Journal of Energy Security

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Submission Guidelines

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Journal of Energy Security Style Sheet-Submission Guidelines

Language: American usage and spelling

System of Measurements: US system (miles, feet, barrels, tons NOT tonnes).  Examples:
M/bd= million/barrels per day
Tcf= trillion cubic feet
Mpg= mile per gallon
*Note metric measurements may be included for clarity’s sake in parenthesis after the US measurement has been provided.  Example: 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers).  Further be consistent in your usage.  If you begin with b/d (barrels per day) do NOT switch to tons or visa-versa. 
** A good conversion chart can be found at

WARNING: Any article submission that does not include the US system of measurement will be returned to the contributor without further review

Common Abbreviations:
*The use of any abbreviation must be preceded by its FULL NAME and then the abbreviation.  For example:  British Petroleum (BP) or the International Energy Agency (IEA), etc.
Also please respect the JES common abbreviation of the Following
The United States (US) [not U.S. or U.S.A. or USA]
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
EU (European Union)
CEE (Central and Eastern Europe)
MENA (Middle East North Africa)
EIA (Energy Information Administration)
SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization)

Notes and References:
Contributions should NOT include footnotes or endnotes.  If you want to make a reference to an original source (particularly for quotations) insert a hyperlink to the original source material.  If the source is available only in paper form and is essential see the Chicago Manual of Style ( for guidance.  Place the reference in parenthesis immediately after the quote in the text body for clarity’s sake.  

Articles and Article Preparation:
1. If you wish to submit an unsolicited article, please send a short email or suggested article abstract to, outlining what issue you want to tackle and what particular perspective you wish to take.

2. Once agreement on an article and the specific topic and direction it is headed, submitted articles should be between 2,500 to 4,500 words (American English usage.)

3. Please submit articles in a standard Word format.

4. Articles may be supported by graphs, photos, video, streaming media, et al.  Copyright approval for supporting media must be obtained in advance by the contributing author from the originating source in advance of the submission of article and supporting media themselves. 

5. Please send all graphics as SEPARATE AND INDIVIDUAL excel sheet format.  This ensures clarity in transforming them to graphic or chart illustrations.    

6. Please ensure that all supporting graphics and photos have captions adequately describing the image presented.

7. The coverage of the Journal of Energy Security is global in scope.  Its readership is professional in nature allowing contributions to move quickly to exploring an issue in-depth.   

8. Our objective is to provide a venue for well stated, interesting and provocative analysis of energy security issues, often missing in the mainstream press.

10.  Readership experience demonstrates that detailed analysis is of greatest interest to our readership base.  Increasingly, experts use current and archived contributions for more lengthy and detailed analysis provided by the JES so keep this in mind. 

11 While no subject is necessarily excluded, potential contributors should familiarize themselves with some of the main issues associated with the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security ( oil dependency, alternative transportation fuels and vehicles, energy and terrorism, etc. 

12. IAGS retains the right to edit submitted manuscripts in both content and length.  In every case, we do our best to work directly with the contributing author to arrive at a publishable product acceptable both to the Journal staff and to the contributing author.

13. IAGS retains all copyright to the material it publishes.  While contributors may re-publish their      contributions in books, collections, and in other genre credit for original publication should be made to the JES providing a hyperlink to the original material.  Specific copyright questions should be directed to for response and follow-up. 




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