The United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) released an energy strategy for the Asia-Pacific region. The USPACOM strategy, which complements the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Operational Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan, calls for “incorporating operational energy into the core business of Pacific Command as a way to improve warfighting capability and reduce costs,” notes Rachel Posner, the Deputy Director for Policy in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs. The USPACOM embarked on implementing the DoD Operational Energy Strategy two years ago. Since then the Command “established an energy governance structure (the Joint Energy Security Working Group); tested operational energy risks in the TERMINAL FURY Command Post Exercise; co-sponsored studies to analyze energy supportability of operations in the Asia-Pacific region; incorporated energy as an engagement tool in security cooperation planning; and demonstrate energy-related equipment and technology improvements in field exercises,” among others. Read more here.