Journal of Energy Security

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# Article Title Author
21 Building an Asian Energy Buyers' Club Gal Luft
22 Caspian Gas, TANAP and TAP in Europe’s Energy Security Editor
23 Europe links power markets Administrator
24 The Economist: Polish Energy - Going Nuclear Administrator
25 Smogagedon in China Administrator
26 Korin on OPEC Administrator
27 Turkey Adds to Complex 'Tapestry' of Oil Risks' Editor
28 To Drill or Not to Drill: How Will Saudi Arabia Respond to the American Oil Boom? Editor
29 Connecting the Caucasus with the World: Railways & Pipelines Administrator
30 The Energy-Security Paradox Administrator
31 Chavez, Venezuela, and the oil market Administrator
32 Energy frontiers in North America Administrator
33 India’s Electricity Blackout and a Myanmar Fuel Solution KR
34 The JES in the News Kevin Rosner
Page 2 of 2


US Energy Security Council RT discussion

New Books

Petropoly: the Collapse of America's Energy Security Paradigm
Energy Security Challenges for the 21st Century

"Remarkable collection spanning geopolitics, economy and technology. This timely and comprehensive volume is a one stop shop for anyone interested in one of the most important issues in international relations."
U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar

"A small masterpiece -- right on the money both strategically and technically, witty, far-sighted, and barbeques a number of sacred cows. Absolutely do not miss this."
R. James Woolsey, Former CIA Director

"The book is going to become the Bible for everyone who is serious about energy and national security."
Robert C. McFarlane, Former U.S. National Security Advisor
Russian Coal: Europe's New Energy Challenge